Friday, November 16, 2012

Response to "Is the GOP's "War on Women" a reality?"

I have had the pleasure of reading my classmates blog recently, as I've taken the time to look at all of their works. There are a few things that I agree with in their blogs, a few things that I don't, and that is to be expected. We are all different people, and we are all of different backgrounds and origins--if we were all the same, life would be very, very boring. That said, I find myself agreeing with her. For a while, I've heard that this "war on women" has been made up by the "lamestream" media, and I have to say that I too was rankled as the original poster was. The men of the GOP, lately, seem to have been possessed by the most radical parts of their party. I consider myself a moderate democrat, with very strong moments of liberalism, but I leave people's reproductive rights to themselves. It is there body, they can do with it as they wish. She brings up the very good point of several elected officials, most of whom suffered quite marvelous defeats this passed election season, who were of the frame of mind that even in cases of rape and incest and damage to the mother, that a woman should be happy to have a baby--this point is very well raised. It creates a real sense of anger that the poster is experiencing, and that other women around the country experienced.

I have a reason for why I stand for abortion. I have a form of endometriosis that has caused extensive scarring and lesions, that while it makes it near impossible for me to conceive, if I did in fact get pregnant, I would need an abortion. Not only would the child not life passed the first trimester, chances are that I would not either. I can have extensive surgeries to have the scarring removed, and there have been great leaps and bounds in treating my Stage 4, but so far, I have yet to find a way that would make me want to put a baby through that kind of stress in the womb, and my body through that kind of angst. The writer raises very good points in the realm of the fact that the current crop of GOP leaders don't seem to think about cases like mine. She is impassioned, and though her tone comes across as inflammatory as times, her point is no more invalid.

She cites that some women take birth control because they need it for medical reasons, and those women are people like me.

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